You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2010.

I have no thoughts today
Like a mug

Like when you go to drink out of a mug
And go
Fuck I finished my tea
and if I go make more
I’ll over charge on caffeine

Thats when you know that part of
The day is over
And you have to actually get off your
Arse and get shit

The tide bends around the bay

Rolling and trembling in shades of grey

In shades of gray blue and black

The night is endless along this track


I was drunk and happy

you were just cold


hard as a rock

you’d left the building


they took you away

replaced you with that shithead of a funeral director


“he called me his partner”

two families tied by a secret bond

two families did set down their guns

set aside frustration, lay in the snow

life had cheated her of the one she loved

cheated for the love she now missed so

walked alone, numb, cold,

barely consoled.

I am just so keen to get my hands on a nice ink pen
‘get back into some ink sketches
oh baby.

btw. sorry WordPress I left you hanging. ‘Should have told you I’ve moved to Tumblr.
I just don’t have to balls to let you go.
guess you could say I’m seeing other blogs
but you never know, they might just come and go, you know how it is with these young hot ones, they never stay for long.
Stick around and I might still be here…